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Or a wagon full of pancakes

2004-11-26 - 8:14 p.m.

I think I'm getting a cold. What timing! Tomorrow I'm going on my first date in millions of years and today I come down with a cold. Tomorrow evening I'm also supposed to go out with some of the girls from work. It's funny, I think I'm more nervous about going out with the girls than going out with this guy. I guess it's because as nice as it would be if things go well with this guy, if they go poorly I'll never see him again and that'll be that. But I have to work with these girls every single day and they're my connection to a social life!

Speaking of work, I really, really like my work! I'm so happy here! I hope this lasts! Mostly it's the people that I like. There isn't a single person at work that I don't like and none that I even get bad vibes from. It's awesome. Plus today one of the pharmacists mentioned to me that I had entered a medication incorrectly (a doctor had written for Cipro and I entered it as he wrote it instead of switching it to Levaquin per hospital policy), but it ended up being OK for various reasons you don't care about. I asked her if she had noticed anything else that I'd done incorrectly and she said no. Then she continued by saying that not to mention any names but I'm doing much better than the other recent new hire pharmacist and all the other pharmacists are happy about that. Woah! OK, there's only been one other pharmacist hired in the past three years so I know exactly who she was talking about and for that reason it wasn't a particularly nice thing to say, but it still makes me really happy! They like me, they really like me! At least professionally. Hopefully the social aspect will go well, too.

My parents have been in town visiting since Monday. They brought me apartment goodies and did quite a bit of making things look nice around here. Last night my mom even cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner in my apartment. I have to say I'm pretty darn lucky. They left for home today after lunch.

This evening I went downtown and watched the tree lighting ceremony. The whole area was packed with people and then they had lots of singing and fireworks and stuff before they lit up the tree. It was cool, but I have to say that if I didn't live within walking distance I don't think it would be worth the effort to go to. Afterwards, though, I walked home past the convention center where they were having a big National Geographic sale. They were selling stuff for dirt cheap that looked like it must've been stuff that didn't sell from their catalogue. Because of this sale and a fresh dose of Christmas spirit, I've now officially started my Christmas shopping. Oh, and the fact that I received my first paycheck today might've helped, too!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Corner of the Heart - Collin Raye
One Year Ago Today: Your footsteps make me dizzy

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8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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