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Baby, cut that coupon out

2005-03-02 - 7:08 p.m.

Remember that test I told you I took at work and did well on so now they want to start training me upstairs? Yeah, well, today Miko pulled me aside and asked me if I thought it was particularly difficult. I tried to be honest--I told him that I had had to look up the answer to almost every single question so in that respect it wasn't easy, but given the fact that we were allowed to use any resource available in the pharmacy, no it wasn't particularly difficult. He told me that of the people who recently took this test (I know that Kitten and Apple were taking it at the same time as me, I don't know if there was anyone else), I was the only one who passed. Can you imagine that? I'm so dumb, though. I don't know, it's weird. Anyway, a little later, one of the manager type people came out and told me that although they had told me earlier that they were going to train me on the transplant service, they've changed their minds and have decided to train me on telemetry (tele) instead. That totally rocks. Tele is definitely more what I'm interested in, although I don't think I would mind branching out into other areas. I mean, I've never really worked with transplant patients before, how do I know I won't find them to be interesting? This still isn't starting until April, but I'm still excited about it!

In other news, guess who blew me off again tonight? Yeah, I was on my way to the post office after work when Magellan called me. At least he called me and didn't wait for me to call him. Anyway, he says he's sick. Too sick to see me. Perhaps he'll be better by the weekend. He apologized and said he didn't want me to get the wrong idea, he really wants to see me. Right. I asked if he would like to actually schedule a time to get together over the weekend instead of just saying that we'll "do something" and he said no because he doesn't want to have to stand me up if something comes up. Wow, I'm so low on his priority list I can't even see the top from here. I wanted to tell him that if we plan to "do something" on Sunday then he's actually taking up my whole day whereas if we scheduled something then only that block of time is taken up so really he'd be doing me a favor, but I didn't. I don't know, I'm a dork. I think it's time to move on. I wish I didn't like him so much.

Yesterday I went for a very long walk. I had originally planned on going for a hike, but I ended up sleeping in pretty late. By the time I got up I was afraid that if I tried to go for that hike I'd end up spending all my time driving there and then not have enough time to actually hike before needing to turn around and come back. So I walked around the city. Except I went east towards Lake Washington this time, instead of my usual west towards the sound. It's about 3 miles to Lake Washington from my place. I was going to pay my rent on my way out of my building, but the leasing office wasn't open so I put the check in my back pocket and went on my way. It seemed like a safe place at the time. But somewhere along the line it fell out. The amazing thing is that somebody actually found it and turned it in to a branch of my bank. Can you believe it? And then I was sitting on the bank of Lake Washington with my eyes closed enjoying the sunshine when my cell phone rang and it was the guy from the bank telling me he had my check. I'm so lucky! From there I walked about 5 miles south along Lake Washington and then cut back towards my apartment making a big triangle. It was quite a long walk, but if felt good to get some exercise. And apparently Magellan actually drove by and saw me while I was out walking. Did he stop? Did he even wave? No, of course not. "I didn't realize it was you until I had already gone by." Mm-hmm.

Anyway...does anybody else get excited when they read in the grocery store ad that bananas are on sale for 33 cents a pound? Does anybody else even read the grocery store ads? Anyway, I'm outta here, I gotta go get me some cheap bananas!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: That's What I Like About Sunday - Craig Morgan
One Year Ago Today: I don't believe I raised no grain

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5 weeks, 6 days

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