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Conversations with caterpillars

2005-08-26 - 5:13 p.m.

I missed it! Yesterday was my 3 year anniversary here in Diaryland and I missed it! Oh well, I have a pretty good excuse. Can you believe that I've been here for 3 years, though? My goodness! That's a very long time for me to stick to any one thing. I mean, really and truly, I can't really think of too many other things that I've stuck with for so long. But anyway, happy anniverseray to me, heh heh...

The reason I missed writing an entry yesterday is because the event I've been fearing for over a year finally happened Wednesday night. My computer died. It's been doing this thing for the last few months where it will suddenly just turn itself off as though somebody has pulled the plug. Usually I can hit the power switch and it will turn right back on. This time though, nothing. Deader than a door nail. Luckily, I have just about everything backed up on my external hard drive. The only things I don't have are up to date copies of my exercise log and my log of books I've read. I'll live.

Oh, so you may be wondering where I am, then, since my computer is so dead? I'm writing this from the central library. I was lucky and actually found a free computer. Definitely a rarity here.

So...anybody up for a Lolo update? No, sorry, nothing too exciting to report. On the other hand, nothing bad has happened yet. We've exchanged e-mails at least once a day for two weeks now. We're planning on going running together (with Kitten) tomorrow. Yes, I did actually get up the nerve to ask him to run with us--and I asked him in person even, not via e-mail. Go me! But we're still really silly with the ignoring each other at work thing. Ah well. We also have plans to go hiking together again next weekend. I'm looking forward to that very much.

Other than that...well, today's Friday! I finished up 5 straight days of tele. Phew! Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Either I'm getting better at it, I'm slacking more, or it was slower than usual. Or perhaps (and most likely) some combination of the three. At any rate, I don't think I'm working any more tele shifts at least through September 25, so that's that for a while!

Uh-oh, the library is closing. I'd better post this before I get booted and lose it all!

One Good Thing: I received HP6 in the mail!
Song of the Day: Alcohol - Brad Paisley
One Year Ago Today: Going down thirty and fighting with crocodiles

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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