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On the dawn edge

2006-10-17 - 1:22 p.m.

Yesterday morning Lolo and I filled in our applications for the 2-bedroom apartment in his building. I wrote my check. It's done. Assuming my credit check goes through fine, it's pretty official that we'll be moving in together at the end of November.

Last night I got up the nerve to talk to my dad again. Remember I tried to call him on Saturday but he and my mom and brother were having too much fun to talk to me. So this time I didn't call him, I chatted with him through MSN messenger, but I reminded him about the previous phone call he was too busy for and I think that was ok. I asked him if it was ok with him if I moved in with Lolo. I was really nervous, I didn't know what his answer would be. Specifically, I said: "I remember way back when [my sister-in-law] stayed with [my brother] for a summer in Seattle when they were still dating, you said that if you were [my sister-in-law's] dad you wouldn't have been happy with the situation. I'm thinking of moving in with [Lolo]--is the situation different? Would it still make you unhappy?" There was a ver long pasue after that, during which I was cursing myself for having asked, sure that he was going to be angry that I had even suggested such a thing, and then he wrote back, "It was nice of you to ask, since you have been traveling & camping together this is no surprise. 'Don't buy a cow if you can get the milk for free,' has been a very fundamental expression for a long time. But we trust you to make a sensible decision." Oh, thank God. I'm so relieved.

Then last night I finished reading Fahrenheit 451. I had to read it in class when I was in 7th grade, but somehow it didn't make it's way onto my books-read list. I definitely liked it better this time around. Perhaps it was a bit over my head as a 7th grader.

This morning I called my dentist complaining about my tooth. The same tooth that broke and was repaired not even three months ago. On Sunday I noticed it was hurting while I chewed so I stuck my tongue back there (it's the very back tooth on the top left) and felt a hole. Damn. And it continued to hurt all day Sunday and all day Monday every time I chewed on it. So I called my dentist this morning and she had me come in right away so she could have a look. She looked in there and saw nothing. No hole. And she couldn't illicit any pain by banging on it. But I feel a hole with my tongue. It's there. She got out her little drill and smoothed the tooth a bit so I can't feel the hole so much, but it's not the hole that worries me, it still hurts when I chew. What if something's broken inside? She basically told me I'm crazy and to not worry about it and sent me home. Grrr...

One Good Thing: Quick dentist appointment
Song of the Day: Before He Cheats - Danielle Peck
One Year Ago Today: No entry! :-(

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