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Mythic creatures in the rubble

2005-11-03 - 9:27 p.m.

I really should be in bed already, but I wanted to write a journal entry first. This, after all, is my second anniversary with Lolo. Two months. Can you believe it? It's funny because it feels like a lot longer. I tend to count our first day together as the day we first held hands at Lake Ann. I think he considers us to have been together since before then, but I don't think that could be quite right considering the fact that I didn't even know whether or not he was into me before then. Anyway, happy anniversary to us!

I had the day off from work today, but I didn't do much. Mostly just cleaning, sort of. Pretty lazy. I killed a lot of moths and did a lot of laundry. Also went for a walk in the rain. I walked down to the Market and bought myself a bouquet of flowers. You can buy a small bouquet there for $5 and I find that very hard to resist. And "small" isn't that small. I bought some big purple and white flowers and put them in a vase on my table. It was a bit of an attempt at a subtle hint to Lolo that I like flowers. Is boys giving girls flowers completely out of style? Nobody's given me flowers in years. I was with my ex for two years and he gave me flowers twice. Once it was just a single rose and the second time it was a whole bunch of roses. I don't even like roses.

Anyway, I didn't have to work, but Lolo did. I invited him to come over for dinner during his break. I fixed up toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup and told him how when I was a kid that was a special rainy day meal in my household. He was looking particularly good tonight. I swear his eyes were the same color as his scrubs. And I love kissing him when he has shoes on and I don't.

He has tomorrow off, but I have to work. I'm lead tomorrow morning. I'll be working in the central pharmacy with the new set up. It should be interesting. After work Lolo is taking me out to dinner and then to a play. We're going to go see "The Grapes of Wrath" at the Intiman. I haven't been to that theater before. Think we'll come up with an excuse to spend time together after that? Do we need an excuse?

I'm reading "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman right now. I'm 300 pages in and I still have only the vaguest idea of what it's actually about. Things are happening, but I have no idea why or to what end. And the things that are happening are weird. My brother lent me this book, and honestly I'm a bit surprised he did. I mean, it's a bit...racey? Crude? Lots of very explicit sexual references. It doesn't shock me or anything, but it's not really stuff I want to read about and it doesn't really seem like something a guy would want his little sister to read about. Well, we'll see what the next 300 pages bring. I'm thinking of reading "War and Peace" next. It's been on my reading list since like the 2nd grade when I heard it was the longest book ever written.

One Good Thing: Dinner with Lolo
Song of the Day: Shame and Scandal - Madness
One Year Ago Today: Let me drown in your laughter

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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