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Seriously contemplating goofy things

2002-12-15 - 9:16 p.m.

Ergh! I just wrote an entry and then managed to lose the whole thing. Not that I wrote anything interesting. I was just discussing my little obsessions. "Do you ever seriously contemplate really goofy things?" I asked. I do. It can be fun sometimes. I'm trying to think of some of the previous goofy things I've contemplated. I guess they vary in their degree of goofiness. I wanted to go to Bryn Mawr. I wanted to do a residency in Alaska. I wanted to buy a truck. And now? Well...I was just contemplating career opportunities. How does a job in Hawaii sound? How about one in Hawaii where you can retire after 20 years of work? Imagine retiring at the age of 44! Would Tripler really be that bad?

But anyway, I worked all day today. The new attending's rounds take way too long. I don't see how I can round with the team and do all my work. They don't finish rounds until after noon. I'm feeling really lousy and unmotivated at work. I keep procrastinating on everything. I'm so behind I may never catch up. I'm so grumpy and...bleah.

Last Monday was Thumbtack's birthday and none of us remembered. Of course he only told us once back in July, but still, we should've remembered. We were all there together doing the residency showcase. He even basically asked me to go out on the town with him Monday night and I turned him down. I feel really bad. Today I talked to Slick and we have a plan to celebrate Thumbtack's birthday at the residents' meeting on Tuesday. And here I will reveal to you my truly selfish nature. Ok, yes, I do feel bad for forgetting Thumbtack's birthday but do you know the main reason why I don't want to let it go completely by without any acknowledgement? Because if we don't celebrate his then it will be wrong to celebrate anybody else's and dammit I want to celebrate my birthday! Look at me, I'm evil incarnate.

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